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Residential and Commercial Painting in Placer County

Residential and Commercial Painting in Placer County


Placer County's Best Residential Exterior Painting Service

Cal-Vada Painting offers the Placer County region's best residential exterior painting service at affordable, competitive rates. Our painters understand that your house represents one of your largest investments, and that its coat of paint is the only thing between it and the elements. That's not even to mention the importance of great aesthetics that can impress your neighbors. Our exterior painting service is comprehensive and backed by local recognition. It is our goal to provide you best job and customer experience, each and every time.

What Sets Cal-Vada's Exterior Painters Apart?

To put it simply? Quality. Our painters are experienced and use the best tools and finish available to ensure that your house is protected from the harsh California elements and looks great, too. We offer full-service painting services, including:

1) Pressure washing. The paint has to stick!
2) Scraping, sanding, and caulking. Detail matters.
3) Window masking and plant/shrub protection.
4) Professional-quality spray and backroll procedures.
5) Double-coatingsof premium painting products.

Our meticulous procedures ensure that you will get the best job possible, and at a rate you can afford. Our painters are prompt, respectful, and professional, and our work is second to none. Don't take our word for it. Have a look at our local references! (link) In fact, this year we were voted "Best of the Best Painting Contractor" by readers of the Auburn Journal!

Call Cal-Vada Painting Service Today

A great paint job protects your home and shows your neighbors that the details matter. Settle only for the best, and don't forget that we offer residential interior, industrial, and commercial painting services at the same level of quality you can expect from our exterior residential services. (LINKS)

Call now to schedule your free estimate and get started on making your exterior painting project a reality. You'll see why we are Placer County's favorite!