Our Services
House Painting Services in Placer County, CA
We move all heavy furniture and replace, but we ask that you remove pictures and knick-knacks. Our interior services also include:
- Drywall Repair
- Color Consulting
- Remove & Replace Blinds
Our exterior painting includes pressure washing, scraping, sanding, caulking the exterior, masking all windows and protecting all plants and shrubs, spray and backroll procedure, and 2 coats premium products in all sheens and finishes. We also provide the following services:
- Deck and Rail Refinishing, Stain or Paint
- Dry Rot Repair
- Specialty Coatings
- Pressure Washing
Our Advantages
Many Local References
We encourage all prospective clients to check out our spotless reputation. We will provide references upon request. We also have some reviews on our Testimonials page.
Affordable & Reliable
Excellence, Reliability, and Affordability - this is what Cal-Vada Painting is all about. We take great pride in our work and seek customer satisfaction, at affordable rates. We offer references and also suggest that you look for our reviews on the internet.
Free Estimates
We provide FREE, no obligation bids for your painting project. Give us a call at
(530) 823-0861 to schedule a convenient time
for your estimate.